Working through Cancer

Change your lifestyle and reduce your cancer risk

Infographic: How you can reduce your risk of cancer (from Cancer Research UK).  Click to view the detail.

Cancer Research - Preventable Cancers

Cancer Research – Preventable Cancers

Many of the changes you can make are a healthy diet and exercise.

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Cancer – just bad luck

Your risk of getting cancer may just be down to ‘bad luck’.  According to a recent study.

However, according to Cancer Research UK, over a third of the most common cancers are still down to lifestyle, so it’s no excuse to start drinking, smoking and over-eating.  In fact smoking is a significant factor in many types of cancer.

While the study says that a chance mutation is what causes many types of cancer, what causes that mutation may be more than just ‘chance’.  It could be due to any number of environmental factors – what’s in our food, chemical pollution, stress, who knows what else they’ll discover as a result of further research.

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Cancer facts

Cancer facts from Cancer Research UK

Every two minutes someone in the UK is diagnosed with cancer
More than one in three people in the UK will develop some form of cancer
Half the people diagnosed with cancer now survive for at least five years
Cancer survival rates in the UK have doubled in the last 40 years
Cancer is the UK public’s number one fear, feared above debt, knife crime, Alzheimer’s and losing a job
More than three in five cancers are diagnosed in people aged over 65
More than one in five of all cancer deaths are from lung cancer
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Citizen Science – Cancer Games

As someone who got hooked on Candy Crush Saga while I was going through my cancer treatment, I’ve recently come across two ‘games’ from Cancer Research UK-  part of the Citizen Science project.

Download these games to your smartphone or tablet and when you have a few minutes to spare, help their research.

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This time last year … chemotherapy


… I was bald and going through chemo.

I took the decision to shave my head in preference to the rapidly thinning look, which was not a good one and felt sooo much better for it.  It is scary but it does grow back and actually I quite liked my bald head! :)

There’s a lot of “this time last year …” happening as I pass anniversary dates for diagnosis, surgery, start and end of treatment.  It’s slightly strange thinking how different things were ‘this time last year’.  When you’re going through it it’s hard to see any light at the end of the tunnel and you just have to take each day as it comes but time does pass quickly and before you know it – all being well, you’ll be out the other side.

This time next year … I’ll be another year older.

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In The News: Yes I have incurable breast cancer …

Article in the Independent this week:

Yes I have incurable breast cancer but this is only part of my story – please don’t write me off just yet.

There’s much that can be done for cancer these days – even a terminal diagnosis but much of the treatment available comes down to money.

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Book: Radical Remission

Nine factors that can lead to a spontaneous remission from cancer—even after conventional medicine has failed.

  1. Diet
  2. Health
  3. Intuition
  4. Herbs & Supplements
  5. Suppressed Emotions
  6. Positive Emotions
  7. Social Support
  8. Spiritual Connection
  9. Reasons to live
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Book: There’s Something I’ve Been Dying To Tell You

I’m sure you can’t have missed the news of Lynda Bellingham’s death earlier this week.  Her autobiography is a courageous tale of her journey from the shock of a terminal diagnosis to making the most of the time she had left.  She showed humour, sadness and great courage in her last few months and is an inspiration for anyone dealing with cancer.

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Thank you for visiting my site and I hope you’ll also purchase the book or let others know about it.

I wrote it as a result of my own journey from diagnosis of breast cancer through treatment and into recovery so that it could help others to get through the process.

Profits from the sales of the book will be donated to the three cancer charities I’m supporting during my #52Things – year of fundraising:

I’ll add to this blog occasionally about my own progress and any other cancer related stories.


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